Tuberous Crassulas: Chris Rodgerson. BCSS Journal Vol.3, p.77-78 (1985)
Crassula mesmembryanthemopsis: Chris Rodgerson. BCSS Journal Vol. 4, p.31 (1986)
Conophytum reconditum: Chris Rodgerson. The Cactus File Vol.1 No.3, p.6 (1991)
Adromischus phillipsiae: Chris Rodgerson. The Cactus File Vol.1 No.8, p.4-5 (1993)
Anacampseros, Section Avonia: Chris Rodgerson. The Cactus File Vol.2 No.1, p.2-6 (1994)
Adromischus subviridis: Chris Rodgerson. Aloe Vol.31 No.2, p.39-41 (1994)
Adromischus herrei: Chris Rodgerson. The Cactus File Vol.2 No.6, p.5-8 (1995)
Adromischus: The Cactus File Handbook No.3 John Pilbeam, Chris Rodgerson & Derek Tribble. (1998)
Free download here;
Conophytum bilobum: A Bi-partisan View : Chris Rodgerson and Steven A. Hammer. (Mickael Legrand e-publication from a 1999 MSG Bulletin paper).
Conophytums and Commerce: New Views on the Genus Conophytum by Steven Hammer. Contributing Author Chris Rodgerson. Appendix 7, p.363-364 (2002)
Conophytum bruynsii: Chris Rodgerson. BCSS Journal Vol.24 No.3, p.114-116 (2006)
The rough and the smooth: a reassessment of Conophytum reconditum: Andrew.J.Young, Chris Rodgerson and Steven A. Hammer. BCCS Bradleya No.29, p.93-102 (2011)
Conophytum youngii: The national road and another new Conophytum: Chris Rodgerson. BCSS Journal Vol.30 No.4, p.239-244 (2012)
Conophytum smaleorum: A new knopie from the southern Richtersveld: Chris Rodgerson and Andrew.J.Young. BCSS Journal Vol.31 No.3, p.197-201 (2013)
Avonia quinarioides: The description of a new species: Hagen Dreher, Chris Rodgerson and Andrew.J.Young. BCSS Bradleya No.32, p.105-111 (2014)
Conophytum bachelorum and it's relatives: the introduction of a new Conophytum from Namaqualand, Conophytum confusum. Andrew.J.Young, Chris Rodgerson, Steven Hammer & Matthew R. Opel. BCSS Bradleya No.33, p.40-49 (2015)
Conophytum crateriforme – a new dumpling from Namaqualand: Andrew.J.Young, Chris Rodgerson, Adam D. Harrower & Steven A. Hammer. 2015 BCSS Bradleya No.33, p.52-57 (2015)
The dwarf succulent genus Conophytum N.E.Br.: distribution, habitat and conservation. Andrew J. Young and Chris Rodgerson. ALOE Vol.52 No.2, p.43-49 (2016)
Crassula saxifraga - a tuberous geophyte: Chris Rodgerson. Sedum Society Newsletter No.120, p.34-35 (January 2017)
Day trips for Conophytums, Chris Rodgerson: Essex Succulent Review, Issue 12 - 2017
Exploring along the Orange River, Chris Rodgerson: Essex Succulent Review, Issue 14 - 2017
Who knew Conophytums grew on walls? (pt.1), Chris Rodgerson: Essex Succulent Review 19 - 2018
Conophytum bilobum, a divisive species. Chris Rodgerson: Xerophilia 24 - 2018
A day at the seaside. Chris Rodgerson: BCSS Journal Vol.37 No.1, p.59-64 (2019)
Crassula Confusion (article about Crassula sericea) CSR March 2022
Conos For All Seasons, Conophytum flowers throughout the year, Chris Rodgerson: BCSS Cactusworld Vol.42 No.2 2023 p.170-175
Adromischus maximus, Chris Rodgerson: CSR June 2023, p.15-20
Conophytum and the Poaching Epidemic, Chris Rodgerson: Avonia 41 (3) 2023 p.136-145 (journal of the German Society)
The Smallest Conophytum? Chris Rodgerson: CSR September 2023 p.49-61
Mesemb Study Group Bulletin contributions:
Cono Corner by Chris Rodgerson, 1, 1 (1986)
Cono Corner: Conophytum ectypum complex by Chris Rodgerson, 1, 19 (1986)
Cono Corner: Two choice members of the Minuscula section by Chris Rodgerson, 1, 29 (1986)
Cono Corner: The Minuta subsection of the Wettsteiniana section by Chris Rodgerson, 1, 42 (1986)
Cono Corner: The Tiny Ones by Chris Rodgerson, 2, 2 (1987)
Cono Corner: The Hairy Ones by Chris Rodgerson, 2, 22 (1987)
Cono Corner: Cono Chat by Chris Rodgerson, 2, 42 (1987)
Cono Corner: Conophytum reconditum by Chris Rodgerson, 2, 61 (1987)
Cono Corner by Chris Rodgerson, 3, 2 (1988)
Cono Corner by Chris Rodgerson, 3, 23 (1988)
Cono Corner by Chris Rodgerson, 3, 43 (1988)
Cono Corner by Chris Rodgerson, 3, 64 (1988)
Cono Corner by Chris Rodgerson, 4, 2 (1989)
Cono Corner by Chris Rodgerson, 4, 28 (1989) Cono Corner by Chris Rodgerson, 4, 51 (1989)
Cono Corner by Chris Rodgerson, 4, 72 (1989)
Cono Corner by Chris Rodgerson, 5, 2 (1990)
Cono Corner by Chris Rodgerson, 5, 25 (1990)
Cono Corner by Chris Rodgerson, 5, 47 (1990)
Cono Corner by Chris Rodgerson, 5, 69 (1990)
Cono Corner by Chris Rodgerson, 6, 2 (1991)
Cono Corner by Chris Rodgerson, 6, 25 (1991)
Cono Corner by Chris Rodgerson, 6, 50 (1991)
Cono Corner by Chris Rodgerson, 6, 72 (1991)
Cono Corner by Chris Rodgerson, 7, 2 (1992)
Cono Corner by Chris Rodgerson, 7, 27 (1992)
Cono Corner by Chris Rodgerson, 7, 50 (1992)
Postcards from South Africa from Chris Rodgerson, 7, 77 (1992)
Cono's in the Wild (part one) by Chris Rodgerson, 8, 2 (1993)
Cono's in the Wild (part two) by Chris Rodgerson, 8, 26 (1993)
Cono's in the Wild (part three) by Chris Rodgerson, 8, 43 (1993)
Cono's in the Wild (part four) by Chris Rodgerson, 8, 64 (1993)
Cono's in the Wild (part five) by Chris Rodgerson, 9, 12 (1994)
Cono's in the Wild (part six) by Chris Rodgerson, 9, 37 (1994)
Cono's in the Wild (part seven) by Chris Rogerson, 9, 58 (1994)
Cono's in the Wild (part eight) by Chris Rodgerson, 10, 12 (1995)
South Africa Revisited by Chris Rodgerson, 10, 26 (1995)
South Africa Revisted (part 2) by Chris Rodgerson, 10, 47 (1995)
South Africa Revisted (part 3) by Chris Rodgerson, 10, 68 (1995)
Conophytum: Guest Editorial. An enthusiat's 25 year historical overview by Chris Rodgerson, 16, 34 (2001)
White-Flowered Conos (Normal and Not So) by Chris Rodgerson, 18, 74 (2003)
Orange Conophytums by Chris Rodgerson, 18, 76 (2003)
White-Flowered Conophytums(Part 2) by Chris Rodgerson, 19, 52 (2004)
Choosing a Digital Camera by Chris Rodgerson, 19, 47 (2004)
Cono Parade by Chris Rodgerson, 20, 58 (2005)
The Hunt for Conophytum boreale by Chris Rodgerson, 21, 2 (2006)
Conophytum mimimum ‘wittebegense’ by Chris Rodgerson, 25, 35, (2010)
A Couple of Days in South Africa, Parts 1 & 2 by Chris Rodgerson, 28, 49 & 52 (2013)
There are more of my articles and Conophytum Corner in subsequent MSG Bulletins right up to the present day and back numbers are available.
Please contact the editor, Suzanne Mace for membership details;